Nani Wijaya comes from a very prominent family. She works as an independent investigator which takes her around the world to stop global networks of mafia and criminals. She is an incarnation of Dewi Asih and is titled Sri Asih, the Goddess of Justice. As Sri Asih, she can utilize her ancestors and she can manifest the power of their souls into her own body.
Rengganis or Ganis, is a social activist and environmentalist. Her idealism and determination make her considered worthy of being Sri Asih's successor after Nani Wijaya.
Since childhood, Alana had the ability to see spirits and it always scared her. To hide her ability, Alana tried to appear as a cool and confident girl. When one of Alana's friends was possessed by an evil spirit, she received a call from Dewi Asih. Alana is offered the power to save her friends, but in return, her life will change. Alana then gains the power of Sri Asih to ward off the evil energy in the world.
"Wind, come here. Brace the nature"