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JOIN NOWA clash of dragons erupted as a mysterious figure and their shadowy companion, a black dragon, descended upon the scene.
A combined force of the military, Citroen, and three legendary dragons descends upon TIRA. Will she survive this ultimate confrontation?
A horrifying ritual took place, culminating in the horrific sacrifice of a child into the fiery depths of Mount Agung. But what monstrous entity demanded such a gruesome offering?
The government and local authorities have implemented security measures due to the appearance of the Wind Dragon. Could this be the same Wind Dragon that caused the riot at the HI Roundabout in Jakarta?
Right after Chelsea gave the information, the sky suddenly changed color. From light blue to dark gray. It was like a giant monster was about to attack.
A thousand innocent lives were lost as a village was constructed upon the ancient Visadara Dragon's final resting place.
The Curse of the Visadara Dragon: Terror of death at the power plant. Sivva is caught up in the power plant tragedy as her father and family perish from poisoned water. Is this incident the curse of the Visadara Dragon whose tomb is located in Kampung Naga Wesi?
Become a part of the growing Rakyat Bumilangit community! We invite you to connect with fellow fans, creators, and enthusiasts.